" Deep Cover " is a 1992 crime thriller starring Laurence Fishburne and Jeff Goldblum. Laurence Fishburne plays Russell Stevens, a Cincinnati narcotics officer recruited by the DEA to infiltrate the network of the west coast's largest drug importer, Anton Gallegos (Arthur Mendoza), in an unparalleled sting operation. In order to achieve the DEA's mission of dismantling Gallegos's organization and bringing him to justice, Stevens has to go not only under cover but under deep cover. To keep his cover, he has to really sell the drug he buys, and some days had to eliminate a competitor. The twist in " Deep Cover " centers around Russell Stevens going so deep under cover that he eventually crossed the line between being a crime fighting police officer and being a ruthless drug dealer. And in doing so, he finds himself so deep not only under cover but also deep into the sinister and seductive world of the drug trade he may never get out of. Onl...
Inspirational Files are original writings by Olubodun George. The contents of most of the posts are video-enhanced and are driven by the word of God. Some are inspired by stories and contents from popular movies.