We are used to looking at life l as if we are looking in the mirror. What we often see in the mirror is not reality but rather a reflection of it. The mirror does not reflect the true self, but only reflects what it sees. And when you do not like what you see then you begin to distort your reflected self. Then the reflection gradually becomes a distortion of your true self.
The above phenomenon is known as self-delusion. Self-delusion does not bring true transformation. It actually takes you farther away from it. It is hard to achieve true transformation if you are living in the state of self-delusion.
It should become clearer why the makeup and cosmetic surgery industry is a multi billion dollar industry and still climbing. You do not have to look at it too hard to notice that many of our popularized celebrity cosmetic transformations still have situations in their lives that leave them untransformed.
It is truly amazing how it is the parts of ourselves that are underneath the masks we wear that often remains the most clearly visible to those around us to see. People could easily forget what we look like, yet our character would remain picture perfect in their minds.
Apostle Paul wrote about true transformation in these simple words, "Do not conform to this world: but rather be transformed by renewing your mind, so that you can establish the good, the acceptable, and the perfect, the will of God" (Romans 12:2). And that is the mirror of true transformation.
True transformation reflects the image of Christ, "so all of us who have had that veil (or mask) removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image" (2 Corinthians 3:18).
Have you looked at yourself in the Bible lately? This has been one page from my Inspirational Files, I'm Richard James.