I n his 2000 autobiography " The Measure of a Man: A Spiritual Autobiography " screen legend Sidney Poitier reflects and explores the depth of character and personal values as a man, a husband, a father, and an actor. Mr. Poitier takes a punch at the nature of sacrifice and commitment, price and humility, rage and forgiveness, and paying the price for artistic integrity. How does one measure a man? Do you measure him by his earthly riches or by his heavenly treasures? Do you measure him by his victories or by his losses? Do you measure him by his successes and his accomplishments? Or do you measure him even by his failures? The measure of a man is really what is at the core of human value and validation. The scale that society often uses to measure men and women, especially the scale of success, would make most of us worthless or even failures in life. The truth is most people never make it to the top of the ladder in their career or profession. Most of us would nev...
Inspirational Files are original writings by Olubodun George. The contents of most of the posts are video-enhanced and are driven by the word of God. Some are inspired by stories and contents from popular movies.