" I Think I love My Wife" (2007) is a romantic comedy co-written and produced by Chris Rock. In the movie, Richard Cooper (Chris Rock) is a very successful New York business executive and a happily married man. Happily married and loves his wife, Brenda (Gina Torres), at least it seems until an encounter with a very attractive and certainly seductive old friend, Nikki (Kerry Washington) suddenly begins to cast doubts on the certainty of Richard's love for his wife. Just in case you have never seen this, it would make you laugh, even as serious as the theme might sound. Statements such as “I think so” and “I hope so” communicate probabilities and uncertainties rather than assurance and certainty. Both statements are responses to questions seeking a certain type of affirmation. Four husbands were asked if they loved their wives. The first husband’s response was “I think so.” The second husband replied “I hope so.” The third husband took a little longer but he eve...
Inspirational Files are original writings by Olubodun George. The contents of most of the posts are video-enhanced and are driven by the word of God. Some are inspired by stories and contents from popular movies.