Movie producer and director, Christopher Nolan (Insomnia, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight), explores the idea of dream inception (a dream within a dream) in the science fiction heist thriller, "Inception" (2010), The film stars a large "dream team" cast that includes Leonardo DiCaprio (Titanic), Ellen Page, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Marion Cottilard , Ken Watanabe ,Tom Hardy, Dileep Rao , Cillian Murphy , Tom Berenger, and Michael Caine. DiCaprio plays Dominic Cobb, a professional thief who commits corporate espionage by infiltrating the subconscious and the dreams of his targets This is one of the most complex and complicated movies in the history of Hollywood. It is as complex as reality is and as complicated as a dream. This has also been argued by some that one of the reasons why "Inception" did not win the movie of the year could be because the movie was so complicated, that even the Academy did not understand it. In the movie "Incep...
Inspirational Files are original writings by Olubodun George. The contents of most of the posts are video-enhanced and are driven by the word of God. Some are inspired by stories and contents from popular movies.