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Showing posts from February, 2010

Finding Significance in a Purpose

In the words of Job, “Man, who is born of woman, is short-lived and full of turmoil”[Job 14: 1]. We should also not forget what Jacob said about his own journey when he was presented before Pharaoh. His words were “The years of my journey are one hundred and thirty; few and unpleasant have been the years of my life, nor have they attained the years that my fathers lived during the days of their journey” [Genesis 37: 9]. You should never think that you are insignificant. You are a significant piece in God’s puzzle known as life. Life itself gives you significance. You would not have been born if you are not significant. Our significance is not determined by people or by things. It is determined by the purpose of God for our lives. Purpose and fulfillment are wrapped together. And both are objective. It is in purpose that one finds fulfillment. You cannot find fulfillment in people. You cannot find fulfillment in things. You can have the best people and the best things in your life and s...